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Autumn 2009 @ our new website The Four Seasons of Haiku

Sunday, July 19, 2009

the dog sniffs
the thin air

than the rainclouds
:the dust

*Jakarta shocked by bombing at Ritz Carlton and JW Marriot Hotel, Thursday, July 16, 2009. In solidarity to the casualties.


David said...

the second haiku is stunning

nora said...

Very well done, Wahyu.

Wahyu W. Basjir said...

Thx Dave and Nora. But still, I am sad for the bombing..

Pan Haiku Review said...

Haiku are always good for conflict. You only have to read the excellent Croatian 'war haiku' about the conflict the Croatian people suffered.


Wahyu W. Basjir said...

Thank you Alan. Haiku, and other non-violent and artistic approach such as arpilera, really works in trauma healing. Many humanitarian activists adopt the approach in helping conflict and disaster-affected people.

Laurie A. said...

Wahyu ... these are very powerful.

diana l. said...

Well done, Wahyu. I agree about the use of artistic expression in healing trauma. The use of sublimation can be amazingly transformative.

Enno said...

mas wahyu, i do like it