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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

lazy evening
single fly circles
neighbors' trash can


Pan Haiku Review said...

lazy evening
single fly slowly circles
neighbors' trash can

I don't think you need both "lazy" and "slowly"

lazy evening
just a single fly circles
my neighbor's trash

diana l. said...

This is great!

Dennis Tomlinson said...

I prefer the original 'neighbors' trash can' because 'my neighbor's trash' sounds to me like rubbish dumped on the ground.

Dennis Tomlinson said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pan Haiku Review said...

Possibly, except rather than generalise it was nice to zoom into one trash can. ;-)

But I don't understand the position of the apostrophe in:

neighbors' trash can

Does this mean several neighbours share a single trash can, or should it have read:

neighbors' trash cans


Reihaisha said...

I refer to the family that lives across from me as the "neighbors". I am editing and removing the slowly