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Autumn 2009 @ our new website The Four Seasons of Haiku

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

morning drive
single raindrop drifts slowly
down the windshield


Pan Haiku Review said...

I really like this!

You do have a typo so I hope you come back to correct it. ;-)


morning drive
a single raindrop drifts slowly
down the windshield

Although you don't need 'single' I rather like it for the rhythm of the piece.

Reihaisha said...

Alan, I did and thank you ;)

Pan Haiku Review said...

Can't see the correction yet, but looking forward to it as this is a gooooooooooood haiku. ;-)

Don't forget to consider the indefinite article, and to correct the spelling of winshield to windshield. ;-)

morning drive
a single raindrop drifts slowly
down the windshield


Beatrice V said...

Lovely Reihaisha, your haiku are showing a lovely growth and maturity, it is as if all of a sudden they blossomed in a special way this spring. Hope you will be sending some fo the anthology.