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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

back to the sunset

the song of the blackbird

in the sunflower field


John McDonald said...

nice feeling Gwilym

Pan Haiku Review said...

I love that first line because it beautifully, and originally sets up the phrase part of the haiku!

I wonder if adding "in" might enhance the idea of the two line phrase effect?

back to the sunset
the song of the blackbird
the sunflower field

back to the sunset
the song of the blackbird
in a sunflower field

back to the sunset
the blackbird's song
in a sunflower field


Beatrice V said...

Beautiful images

Gwil W said...

Thanks Alan and you're absolutely right of course!

Pan Haiku Review said...

Lovely haiku. It's why I am so passionate about tweaking a single word. ;-0