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Autumn 2009 @ our new website The Four Seasons of Haiku

Saturday, July 11, 2009

My little boy, Afrizal Hasbi Azizy, was hospitalised for tonsilectomy on Saturday (July 11, 2009) morning. When he was escorted out of the operation room, I saw him crying so painfully. He uses to be brave and afraid of almost nothing. But that morning, I saw the tears rolled down on his face. It happened just 5 days before his 8th birthday; the day he's been thinking about in the last three months, the day he'll be expecting a set of Pokemon card as his birthday present from his mother. I won't be able to be home on the big day to hug him with love, and to surprise him with another given away.

firefly in a cookie jar--
a dream birthday present
for a wounded boy


nora said...

Lovely, Wahyu. Well captured vignette. Coincidentally, my daughter gets her tonsils out on Tuesday. She's been choosing her favorite meals leading up to not being able to eat solids for several days.

I hope Afrizal is healing well.

Pan Haiku Review said...

Very moving, and although I don't like the idea of a firefly in a cookie jar, it is a very moving haiku too. ;-)

All my best to your son.


diana l. said...

We just had an 8th birthday here on the 11th! (Happy to say, no problems with tonsils.)

Hope your son is on the mend very soon. A lovely haiku!

Yansidara said...

lovely poem.
soon your little boy, will be like new!

Wahyu W. Basjir said...

Thx for all the good wishes. He is recovering now..

Anonymous said...

Birthday party
a back yard full of fireflies