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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

horse chestnut leaves
with strange brown blotches


Dennis Tomlinson said...

Maybe better:

horse chestnut leaves
with strange brown blotches
blue BARCLAYS sign

Kelly M. said...

Yes! was wondering if the Barclays was a credit card -- {dim american}!

Pan Haiku Review said...

Not so dim Kelly! ;-)

Barclays might be better known for their 'plastic' over there.

Here in the U.K. they are a common "High Street" bank.

Hi Dennis,

I like the haiku/senryu!

Maybe to get the haiku fragment and phrase it could be:

horse chestnut leaves
the strange brown blotches
a blue BARCLAYS sign

all my best,
With Words Online Haiku Competition Results

Dennis Tomlinson said...

Hi Alan and Kelly,

This one has been hard to get right. The basic images are: horse chestnut trees with diseased foliage - and then beyond them the bold blue sign on a bank. So I waas really trying to make the first two lines the 'phrase' and the third line the 'fragment'. I rejig it a bit:

blue BARCLAYS sign
horse chestnut leaves
have strange brown blotches

The bankers exert a malevolent effect on nature! I was wondering too whether to count this as haiku or senryu.


Pan Haiku Review said...

Hi Dennis,

I think you're being hard on yourself, both haiku are good.

Your prose account suggests this version to me:

horse chestnut trees
with diseased foliage -
bold sign of a bank

I think you can call this a senryu, although it wouldn't be out of place with other haiku either.

all my best,
With Words Online Haiku Competition Results